Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Long time, no see

I havent paint in a while, I wanted to, but I'm very good at finding cheap excuses to not too. Yesterday I was in VivoCity at Page One, and I got a book i had in my amazon wishlist for a while. Trevor Chamberlain, A personal View, Light and Atmosphere in Watercolour. I sat in my studio and started reading it at night, then some more in the morning, at 1:oopm the urge to paint was unbearable. Seduce by such simplicity i've found my challenge. To paint outdoor, using only 2 washes + descriptives brushstrokes. And to focus only on lights & Shadows. This is the result after 45min. which most was spent thinking hard about thoses 2 washes before actually doing it. In my mind Mr. Chamberlain sat next to me, explaining how he would tackle down my subject. I couldnt see where i was going only when start putting the shadows. My fav part is the lower right. I think I really capture the plumbing sunlight. I use a butcher tray palette, so colors ran and mix freely. Cobalt Blue, Raw & Burnt Sienna, Cadmium yellow. The paper is Saunders Waterford Series 140lb Rough.
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1 comment:

Skipper Lee Yin Pin said...

Catchy blog design - I love it!